Welcome to 1st Borough Green Scout Group

borough green scout group

1st Borough Green Scout Group provides an exciting activities programme for girls & boys from the ages of 6 to 18 across 4 sections of Scouting within the Malling District of Borough Green.

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With the current lease on the ground our hut stands on due to end in late June, we need to clear the Scout Hut we’ve called home for many years.

Please join us on Saturday 15 June from 9am, we’ll welcome all comers to help sort and load contents from the hut ready to be transported and stored at our new rented location.  

If able to assist anytime during the day, please drop us a message via our contact page with your details and when you can help.

Scouting in Borough Green will continue! 

Background Information

1st Borough Green Scout Group has had use of the current hut in its location for over forty years. The first lease was granted by Amey Roadstone and through sale of Basted House our current landlord is the Reynolds Group who run Reynolds Retreat.

The current lease expires in June 2024 and the Trustee Board of the Scout Group have been seeking a new lease or an extension of the existing for a number of years. Whilst Reynolds Group served notice to terminate in accordance with the lease the Scout Group relied on a number of specific assurances that were given by the landlord that a lease beyond the current one would be granted and that continued occupation of the site was to be given.

Despite these various assurances the Trustees were told on 9 April that the Reynolds Group were not in a position to grant any form of further lease stating that ‘It is now essential part of the plans for the site that I need to get back into profit as soon as possible and therefore an extension of the lease wont be possible’. We have since been told that the site is being proposed to be included in the TMBC local plan for residential development.

This news has come as a shock to us, we have however mobilised our initial plans to find an alternative location for our three sections that meet on a weekly basis to ensure that scouting in Borough Green continues. This will come as a considerable added cost to the Scout Group and could mean increasing termly subscriptions for all sections. This would be regrettable and may leave some parents struggling to pay given the current economic conditions. Sadly we may not have any choice.

There will also be added costs for the purchase and location of a container to accommodate the scout storage mainly items of camping equipment.

Whilst we are looking for alternative venues for the immediate future of scouting in Borough Green we will also be looking for a new permanent home for the Scout Group to replace the one that the Group are so sadly losing.

The Scout Group has always received huge support from the village and the wider community and we now look again for those people and organisations to come forward and assist us in meeting these needs. 


Our Groups

For young people aged 6-8. Our BEAVER colony meets on Wednesday 5.15pm – 6.30pm (during school term).

For young people aged 6-8.

Leaders / helpers:  Eileen (Swift), Alli (Bluebird) Hannah (Mockingjay), Lorraine and Pauline (Magpie)

For young people aged 8-10½. Our CUB pack (Tiger Pack) meet on Thursdays at 7pm – 8.30pm (during school term). 

For young people aged 8-10½.

Leader/helpers: Jack (Akela), Katie (Chil) and Louise

 We have a busy and fun-filled SCOUT pack that meets on Fridays from 7pm to 9pm (during school term).

For young people aged 10½ – 14.

Leaders / helpers: Simon, Phil, Steve and Jeff.

Our QUINTAIN EXPLORERS  meet on Thursday 7.30-9.30pm (during school term).

Leaders – Matt



Finding 1st Borough Green Scout Group

The scout hut is located behind the Borough Green Medical Practice, just before the entrance to The Reynolds Retreat.



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